Press Release June 27, 1990 Announcement of a Mnet monitoring tool called HistMnet ====================================================== At last! A tool that will help the Network Administrator monitor the Mnet statistics chronologically; a new employee looking at Mnet at all times! HistMnet, for Network Administrators, is the key for obtaining statistics from Mnet over a specified period of time. Up until now, Network Administrators had to be satisfied with a mere snap-shot of the information available from Mnet. Too often a dead server must be brought back online but information is not sufficient to know why it died. It's like attempting to make an autopsy without the body. HistMnet provides these tools and the information necessary to better understand what was happening to the server before failing. HistMnet will: - Capture Mnet statistics to ASCII file; - Monitor and warn users of abnormal behaviour on your server; - Improve your capability as an Administrator to better understand your network environment. HistMnet is a Mnet monitoring system divided into two parts. The first part, the heart of HistMnet, actually controls Mnet. This control allows HistMnet to retrieve statistics from Mnet. These statistics are written to ASCII files to be loaded and analyzed later by other programs such as spreadsheets and databases. Figures 2 and 3 are good examples of the type of analysis possible with historical data from Mnet. HistMnet also doubles as a new staff member since it can monitor the behaviour of your network environment at all times. By continuously monitoring certain key statistics from the Mnet screens, HistMnet can detect potential trouble and warns the Network Administrator as symptoms appear. For example, the Load Average indicates the percentage of utilisation of the central processor unit of a server by each users. As demand might become excessive at peak times, HistMnet will flag any high values. It will then forward this SEND command to the Administrator: "1 Minute Load Average is 1.15 For QUICK 1 at 16:13". This message is sent because it knows from its configuration database that the maximum allowed for the 1 minute Load Average for server QUICK 1 is 0.7. HistMnet also creates a database listing of all the servers on the network (Figure 1). This database contains the names of the Administrator who will receive the warnings. It also stores all the thresholds allowed for most of the critical Mnet statistics. As well HistMnet gives all the information required for the Network Administrator to understand more clearly how to fine tune servers for maximum throughput. Plotting on a chart the long term behaviour of each server provides a picture of the network's slow and busy periods, thus providing the information that will help balance the loads on each server. With HistMnet, the Administrator can compare and measure how effective modifications on the server configuration were on the overall performance of your network environment. An evaluation copy of HistMnet which allows the Administrator to monitor only one server at a time is available from Quicksilver Consultants. You can also download the evaluation software from Compuserve (Available July 5) as well as most Banyan user groups bulletins board or get a copy at their meeting. About Quicksilver Consultants.... Quicksilver Consultants is a firm established in 1987. It specialises in all aspects of office automation, with an emphasis on supporting Banyan Vines Networks. You can reach Quicksilver Consultants at: 80 Sandcastle Drive, Suite 814 Nepean, Ontario Canada, K2H 9E7 Telephone: 613-721-9231 Facsimilie: 613-236-9241 Compuserve ID: 76635,2055